Which incomes count towards the calculation of the annual family income?
All professional incomes and benefits in Belgium and abroad that count towards the calculation:
- Professional income for employees (including service vouchers): taxable monthly income as an employee. To convert the monthly income to annual income and thus also account for your holiday pay and year-end bonus, we multiply your taxable monthly income by 13.
- Professional income for self-employed persons: net income as a self-employed person, multiplied by the factor 100/80.
- Replacement incomes: benefits for unemployment or after bankruptcy, benefits for illness or maternity leave, benefits for career interruption or time credit, benefits for work accidents and occupational diseases, (early) retirement pensions and compensations from group insurance, survivor’s pension and transitional allowance.
- Various benefits:
- PWA cheques
- Reception allowances for childminders paid by the RVA
- Severance payments: only the part related to the year of payment counts
- Arrears: only the part related to the year of payment counts
- Contractual compensations from an employer’s group insurance due to illness, disability, or accident covering income loss: only the annual annuity of the current year counts
- Taxable benefits for incapacity for work or disability resulting from private insurance for self-employed persons and liberal professions
- Income from employment at a European or international institution, for their total amount, reduced by personal contributions against social security risks insured by their institution of international public law
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