
Can I receive a social supplement in addition to child benefit?

What is a social supplement? 

A social supplement is an additional amount on top of the child benefits for families with a limited income. This helps cover the costs of raising your children.

When do you receive a social supplement? 

You are entitled to a social supplement if you have a limited family income. This applies regardless of whether you are working, unemployed, or ill. Since January 1, 2020, any Brussels family with a limited income can receive this supplement on child benefits.

How do we determine if you have a limited income? 

To determine the right to a social supplement, we look at the family income. Both your income and that of your partner (or the person you live with) are taken into account.

We first look at the cadastral income. This is the value of the property(ies) you own or have usufruct of. If this value exceeds €2,000 (non-indexed), you are not entitled to a social supplement.

Then we check if the annual taxable gross family income is below a certain income threshold.

How much supplement do you receive?

The amount of the social supplement depends on your family situation (single or cohabiting) and the number of children in your family. Check the exact amounts on our website or use our calculator.

What do I need to do to receive the social supplement?

Famiris automatically checks if you are entitled to the social supplement. You do not need to do anything yourself.

If you think you are entitled but do not receive a social supplement, contact your case manager. Or apply for the supplement using the ‘social supplement’ application form.

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