
Do I receive more child benefits as a single parent?

The Brussels child benefit legislation provides an additional supplement for single-parent families or single parents as part of the social supplement on child benefits.

Who is entitled to this single-parent supplement?

You are entitled to a single-parent supplement if:

  • you have at least two children in your household who receive child benefits
  • your cadastral income does not exceed €2.000,00 (non-indexed) on January 1 of the previous year
  • your annual gross taxable household income does not exceed €39.792,84.

What is a single-parent family?

You are considered a single-parent family if you live alone with your children. These can also be your grandchildren, stepchildren, or children you are fostering.

Even if a family member up to the third degree (father, mother, sister, brother…) lives with you, we still consider you a single-parent family and you may be eligible for a single-parent supplement.

To which increase are you entitled?

The amount of the supplement depends on your family income.

You can easily calculate the total amount of your child benefits using our calculator.

How do I claim the single-parent supplement?

Fill in this form and send it back to Famiris:

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