Famiris pays the school allowance on August 1st
Posted on 22 July 2024
On Thursday, August 1st, Famiris will pay the school allowance, together with your child benefits for July.
Important to know
The amount you receive from Famiris in August will be different because, in addition to your child benefits, you will also receive the annual school allowance for your child(ren).
You will receive the school allowance automatically. No application is needed.
Who is the school allowance for?
The age supplement, better known as the school allowance, is an annual allowance for each child who was entitled to Brussels child benefits in July. The amount depends on the age of your child.
This extra amount can be a welcome support for purchasing school supplies and other expenses related to the start of the new school year. But even children who are not yet attending school are entitled to it.