Brussels child benefits increase by 2% in February 2025. The increased amounts will be automatically paid from March.

Complaints about family benefits

The sixth state reform transferred the responsibility for family benefits to the communities. Child benefit is managed by the four different entities: Flanders, Wallonia, Brussels and the German-speaking Community.

Each entity has developed a system tailored to the specific needs of its residents.

In the Brussels-Capital Region, the bi-communal public interest organisation Iriscare is responsible for the development and management of the new child benefit system in Brussels..

 Within Iriscare, the Mediation service can help you in the following situations:

  • You would like general information or specific information about your file.
  • You don’t understand information you received from your child benefit fund.
  • You don’t understand or don’t agree with a decision made by your child benefit fund.

You can send this type of questions by mail to, or by post to Iriscare, Service Médiation, rue Belliard 71 bte 2, 1040 Brussels.

If you disagree with a decision made by your child benefit fund or if you feel that the service provided by your child benefit fund was inadequate, you can send a complaint either by email to mail à, or by post to Iriscare, Service Plaintes, rue Belliard 71 bte 2, 1040 Brussels.

Iriscare will analyse your complaint and, after examining your child benefit file, may, on the basis of the applicable legislation, either provide you with information, confirming the decision taken by your child benefit fund, or order a re-examination of the disputed decision.

You can lodge an appeal with the Brussels labour court at any given time, even if you have already filed a complaint. Please note that the time limit for lodging an appeal is not suspended while the complaint is being examined.

For more information please visit

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