
Child benefits payment dates

Child benefits are paid at the beginning of each month.

The child benefits you receive always cover the previous month. For example, in September you will receive child benefits for the month of August.

You will receive monthly child benefit payments from your caisse d’allocations familiales until your child turns 25 (subject to conditions between the ages of 18 and 25). The amount of benefit varies according to :

  • family situation (orphan of one or both parents, single-parent family, income of parents/guardians, number of siblings)
  • state of health (child with a medical condition or disability)
  • his age

Find out more about child benefit amounts in Belgium.

Payment dates for 2023:

MonthPayment day
DecemberTuesday, January 2, 2024
JanuaryThursday, February 1, 2024
FebruaryFriday, March 1, 2024
MarchTuesday, April 2, 2024
AprilThursday, May 2, 2024
MayMonday June 3, 2024
JuneMonday, July 1, 2024
JulyThursday, August 1, 2024
AugustMonday, September 2, 2024
SeptemberTuesday, October 1, 2024
OctoberMonday, November 4, 2024
NovemberMonday, December 2, 2024
DecemberThursday, January 2, 2025

In August, on top of child benefits, you will receive the school allowance.

Did you know that you can easily get an overview of all our payments by using our online app myFamiris?

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If you have any problems or questions, get in touch with your personal file manager.

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