
My child attends a Dutch-speaking day-care centre or school in Brussels

If your child goes to a Flemish day nursery or school in Brussels, you may be entitled to a participatory increase from the Groeipakket, the Flemish child benefits system.

Your child goes to a Flemish day nursery in Brussels.

You may be entitled to a child care increase, which is a partial financial compensation in the costs of child care.

The increase is €3,50 per full child care day per child.

You are entitled to it if the following conditions are met:

  • The child care is recognized by Kind & Gezin.
  • The rate does not depend on the parents’ income.
  • The child is not yet enrolled in nursery class.

Your child goes to a Dutch-language school in Brussels.

You may be entitled to a school increase if your child goes to kindergarten, a primary school or a secondary school in Brussels recognized by Flanders.

You are only entitled to it if your child goes to school regularly, and the family’s income must not exceed a specific threshold.

The amount of the increase depends on:

  • the field of study
  • the family situation
  • the parents’ taxable income
  • the parents’ cadastral income

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