My child is a school-leaver in search of employment
What happens after their studies?
After their studies your child has to register at Actiris as school-leaver in search of employment (even if they have the prospect of a job).
As a school-leaver in search of employment your child remains entitled to child benefits for a maximum of 360 days. During this 360 day period he may work 240 hours per quarter without losing his entitlement to child benefits.
After this 360 day period he is definitively no longer entitled to child benefits. If registered as a school-leaver in search of employment, your child is from that date onwards entitled to unemployment benefits from Actiris.
What are the conditions for being awarded child benefits after the studies?
When registered as school-leaver in search of employment, your child is still entitled to child benefits for a maximum of 360 days:
- if he is registered at the employment office Actiris
- if he is younger than 25
- if he is no longer of school age
- if he is not unemployed of his own volition
- if he does not work more than 240 hours per quarter
The 360 day period starts:
- On August 1 after a full school or academic year
- The day after the interruption of the studies (or their reduction to less than 27 credits)
- The day after the second examination period
- The day after the submission of the dissertation
- The day after the end of the indentures
What if your child stops studying?
However, if the child drops out of school in the year he turns 18, the 360 day period begins:
- The day after his birthday, if the child turns 18 before June 30 and drops out of school before his birthday
- The day after the interruption of the studies, if the child turns 18 before June 30 and drops out of school after his birthday (and before June 30)
- From August 1 onwards if the child turns 18 after June 30.
If the child registers too late, the period for which child benefits are awarded starts from the date of registration onwards. It ends 360 days after the date of obligatory registration. For the period the child was not registered however, no child benefits will be due.
What if your child wants to work when in search of employment?
During the period child benefits are awarded, the child remains entitled to child benefits, on condition that he doesn’t work for more than 240 hours per quarter.
Does the young person work more than 240 hours per quarter?
In that case the child benefits for that quarter are suspended. The payment of the child benefits may be resumed during the awarding period and if the child no longer works or works less than 240 hours per quarter.
Is there a change in your child’s professional status?
Let us know as soon as possible. That way you are never in for a surprise.
What if my child doesn’t register as a school-leaver in search of employment?
If your child does not register as in search of employment, child benefits are due:
- Until the end of the month in which he drops out of school.
- Until the end of the month in which your child is on holiday (on condition that he pursued his studies until the end of the school year).
In secondary or non-higher education the holidays runs until August 31, in higher education until September
How and where does your child register as a school-leaver in search of employment?
If your child lives in Brussels, he should be registered at Actiris. An appointment can be made at one of the 18 offices or on-line at
On the date of registration a 12 month period of labour market insertion begins (360 days). During this period the child may work while remaining entitled to child benefits. There is an important condition: the professional activities may not exceed 240 hours per quarter.
After this qualifying period the child receives a tide-over allowance and child benefits are definitively no longer due.
Questions ?
If you have any questions, please contact us.
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