
Am I entitled to an increase as a single parent?

Famiris provides a family allowance supplement for single-parent families or single parents.

What is a single-parent family?

You are considered to be a single-parent family when you live alone with one or more children (or grandchildren, stepchildren, adopted children).

You are also considered to be a single-parent family when a family member up to the third degree (father, mother, sister, brother, etc.) lives with you.

To which increase are you entitled?

To determine the amount of your child benefit supplement, we take your income into account.

  • An increase (added to the basic benefits) ranging from €48,76 to €170,66 is awarded if the family income is under €38.625,31.
  • If the family income ranges between €38.625,31 and €56.068,99, an increase may be due for you, ranging between €30,48 and €87,77, if you have two or more children.

Click here to calculate the increase due for you.

How do I claim the single-parent supplement?

Complétez ce formulaire et renvoyez-le à Famiris, rue de Trèves 70 – bte 1, 1000 Bruxelles.

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