
Can I get a maternity allowance for a stillborn child?

Losing a child before or during birth is a heartbreaking experience. Amid the grief, you may face many questions and unexpected financial burdens. Even in these difficult times, Famiris is here to support you.

When are you entitled to a maternity allowance?

If you’ve had a miscarriage or your child passed away during birth, you may still be entitled to a maternity allowance. This applies if your pregnancy lasted at least 180 days (6 months).

What documents do you need?

If your child passed away after 180 days of pregnancy, you’ll need to report the birth to the civil registry. The municipality will provide you with a ‘certificate of stillbirth.’

Please send us this certificate to receive the maternity allowance. You can mail it to: Trierstraat 70, box 1, 1000 Brussels. You can also send the certificate digitally (photo, PDF) via our contact form.

How long does it take to receive the maternity allowance?

Processing times can vary, but you will usually receive the maternity allowance within a few weeks after submitting your application.


We understand this is a difficult time, and we’re here to listen. If you have any questions about the maternity allowance, please contact Famiris.

For more information and support during this time, visit the Born in Brussels website.

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