Famiris will be closed from December 25th to January 1st. Our reception will close at 3 PM on December 24th. We will be back to assist you from January 2nd. Visit our FAQ section for answers to common questions.

Am I entitled to the social supplement in addition to child benefit?

Entitlement to the social supplement in addition to child benefit depends on your income. This may not exceed a certain amount.

The amount of the social supplement depends on your family situation (single or cohabiting parent) and the number of children.

What income do we look at for the social supplement?

We look at the household income. This is your income if you live alone with your child(ren).

If you live with your partner or a person who is not a relative up to the third degree, we examine both of your incomes.

Family members up to the third degree are: (adoptive) parents, (adoptive) children, (great)grandparents, (great)grandchildren, brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles and aunts.

From 1 November 2023, in addition to your socio-professional income (taxable wages and benefits), the household cadastral income will also be taken into account to determine your entitlement to the social supplement.

Social supplement amounts

See the amounts of the social supplement in our overview of child benefit amounts.

Or calculate your child benefit with our calculator.

What do I need to do in order to receive the social supplement?

Famiris likes to make your life as easy as possible. That’s why, every month, we check whether your household is entitled to increased child benefit. If this is the case, you will receive this increase automatically, without any action on your part.

Your file manager will examine whether the social supplement can be granted to you automatically (without you having to claim it) provided you meet the following conditions:

  • At least one member of your family receives a guaranteed minimum income (or equivalent) from the CPAS for at least 6 months of the current year.


  • The following three conditions are met:
  1. You are a single-parent family.
  2. You find yourself in one of the following social situations: You are fully unemployed, you are taking a full-time career break (or time credit), you are on sick leave, on leave due to disability or pregnancy, or you are receiving the guaranteed minimum income.
  3. You are in one of the above situations for at least six months of the current calendar year.

Example: Ms. Smith is unemployed and living alone with her three children from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2020. From July onwards, we will examine wether Mrs. Smith can benefit from a social supplement without having to claim it.

I don’t currently receive any supplement, but I think I am entitled to it

Contact your personal file manager or apply for this supplement yourself by completing the form ‘social supplement’.

In what other cases can I claim increased child benefit?

Children with a disability or a mental or physical condition may qualify for a child benefit supplement. Children who have lost one or both parents and became orphans also receive a higher amount.

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